"International Journal of Herbal Medicine"

Volume 2, Issue 5


Use of herbal preparations among parturient women: Is there enough evidence - A review of literature


Author(s): Shanthi Ramasubramaniam, Lakshmi Renganathan, Vijayalakshmi G, Ma.Visitacion Mallo-Banatao

Abstract:There is evidence that more and more women use herbs and or its preparations during labor. This paper reviewed the commonly used herbs / herbal preparations among parturient women and investigated if enough evidence is available on the safety and efficacy of using herbs during labor. A review of articles published between January 1997-2014 June was carried out. The electronic data bases were searched and nine studies were identified potentially relevant. All the nine studies reviewed showed that raspberry either in the form of leaves or tablets was the most common herb used in western countries. Caulophyllum was the next common herb used. All the herbs were used either for the purpose of tonning the uterine muscles or stimulate uterine contractions. The studies also reported no adverse effects were reported while using the herbal preparations. The use of herbs during labor had been found to be benefitting women and easing labor process without any side effects to mother and baby. Clinical trials are lacking to prove the safety and effectiveness of herbal use during labor.


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