"International Journal of Herbal Medicine"

Volume 2, Issue 5


Sleep, an imperative core of life - an ayurvedic approach


Author(s): Kirti Bhati, Vijay Bhalsing, Rakesh Shukla

Abstract: Ayurveda “Science of life” is a unique blend of science and philosophy that balances the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual components necessary for holistic health. Ayurved is becoming more and more acceptable globally as it is eco-friendly, toxicity free and cost effective due to its holistic approach. Its aim is to promote and preserve physical and mental health and cure of disease too. Ayurved has recognized Nidra as one of the most important dimensions of health associated with happiness and good health and is an outcome of relax mental state. The disturbance in Nidra might be related to the life style, environmental influence, mental tension, changed food habits and day to day stress which ultimately disturb the psychoneuro-biological rhythm of sleep. The aim of this conceptual article is to compile and re-evaluate the various principles related to different aspects of sleep (Nidra).

Description: C:\Users\admin\Pictures\Nidra.PNG

Fig: Samprapti of Nidranash

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