Vol. 1, Issue 2, Part A (2013)
Biotechnological Intervention for Biofortification in Crop Plants – A Brief Review
Author(s): Y. J. Patel, R. S. Ingalhalli
Abstract: Over half of the global population is estimated to be suffering from various food deficiency diseases. A large portion of the population in the developing countries relies mainly on one or more staple food crops for their nutrition. In this context, it has become imperative to supplement the staple crops with important necessary nutritional factors. Biotechnological approaches have played an important role in crop improvement and can be a helping tool in developing staple food crops with sufficient nutritional supplements. The scientists from all over the world are engaged in biofortifying various staple food crops to fight different nutritional disorders among poorer populations.
How to cite this article:
Y. J. Patel, R. S. Ingalhalli . Biotechnological Intervention for Biofortification in Crop Plants – A Brief Review. Int J Herb Med 2013;1(2):44-48.