Vol. 1, Issue 2, Part A (2013)
Ethnobotanically Important Plants of Humzoni, Nwa, Kpk, Pakistan
Author(s): Sher Rehman, Sultan Mehmood Wazir, Rehman Ullah khan *, Saad Ullah khan, Ayesha Farooq
Abstract: This study documented the ethnobotanical values of the most commonly used plants of the Humzoni (NWA), Pakistan in the year 2011-2012, and reports on the indigenous knowledge of different communities of the study area. A total of 51 plant species belonging to 32 families were found to be valuable for medicinal, food, fodder/forage, fuel, timber, shelter and agricultural purposes. Local people used indigenous plants for their common day ailments. The largest families among these are Rosaceae (6 Genera), Solanaceae (5 Genera), Asclepiadaceae (3 Genera), Moraceae (3 Genera), Ruteaceae(2 Genera) and Lamiaceae (2 Genera). It was reported that most common part of the plant used are leaves (21%) and Fruit (18%). As there is no river or other sources of water, that’s why most of the plants were found wild. More over there is no trend of cultivation of medicinal plants in the said area. The ethnobotanical important plants are Citrus limon, Cydonia oblonga, Withania coagulens, Vitex negundo, Mentha sylvestris and Fagonia Cretica.
How to cite this article:
Sher Rehman, Sultan Mehmood Wazir, Rehman Ullah khan *, Saad Ullah khan, Ayesha Farooq. Ethnobotanically Important Plants of Humzoni, Nwa, Kpk, Pakistan. Int J Herb Med 2013;1(2):89-101.