Vol. 1, Issue 3, Part A (2013)
Ethnobotanical Survey of Surguja District With Special Reference To Plants Used By Uraon Tribe In Treatment Of Diabetes
Author(s): Swati Shrivastava and V.K.Kanungo
Abstract: An Ethnobotanical survey was conducted in the Surguja district of Chhttishgarh, India, during the year 2011. Study was done in 10 villages of Surguja district involves various steps like field study in which 300questionnaire was filled by the people of Uraon tribe and personal interview was conducted with 30 people in each village which included 15 male and 15 female people. Plant specimens were collected during the survey for the preparation of herbarium and identification of plants was done by following the flora of Haines and Hooker. In the present study 15plant species belonging to 11 families were recorded, found to be used by Uraon tribe in Surguja district for the treatment of diabetes. The method of drug preparation, drug administration and cost per episode was also recorded during the survey. The results of the study revealed that people of Uraon tribes have rich knowledge of plants and are using the plants for their health security like in treatment of diabetes
How to cite this article:
Swati Shrivastava, V.K.Kanungo. Ethnobotanical Survey of Surguja District With Special Reference To Plants Used By Uraon Tribe In Treatment Of Diabetes. Int J Herb Med 2013;1(3):127-130.