Vol. 1, Issue 4, Part A (2013)
Part 3: Intercession of Phytomedicine in the Challenges of Emerging, Re-Emerging Diseases; and Pathogens Resistance to Antibiotics
Author(s): Omari Amuka, Paul Okemo, Alex Machocho, Paul Mbugua Eliud NM Njagi and Anthony Nyamache
Abstract: The review higlights the accelerated rate at which pathogens are developing resistace to known antibiotics that are currently in use. The emergence of new maladies and reemergence of old ones has been highlighted. The role played by plants in tackling the challenges has been emphasized. The approach taken is based on the geographical location of various civilizations in which the plants are/were used as a source of remedies throughout the five continents of the world. Globally, there is a trend of erratic antibiotic use this which has led to challenges of their regimen. This has resulted in the influx of increased. There is also an urgent need for patient education on the use of such drugs. There is also emergence and reemergence of new new maladies. The only answer to such challenges is found in phytomedicine.
How to cite this article:
Omari Amuka, Paul Okemo, Alex Machocho, Paul Mbugua Eliud NM Njagi, Anthony Nyamache. Part 3: Intercession of Phytomedicine in the Challenges of Emerging, Re-Emerging Diseases; and Pathogens Resistance to Antibiotics. Int J Herb Med 2013;1(4):102-106.