Vol. 2, Issue 1, Part A (2014)
Sterol contents from two plant species of western Rajasthan grown in vivo and in vitro
Author(s): Baga Ram, Navdeep S. Bains
Abstract: Investigation of sterol contents from two selected plant species of western Rajasthan i.e. Glinus lotoides (Molluginaceae) and Psoralea odorata(fabaceae) was carried out. The roots, shoots, fruits and callus tissues ofG.lotoides and P. odorata were analysed for sterol contents. β-Sitosterol and Stigmasterol were isolated and identified. Maximum sterol contents were observed in shoot of G. lotoides (0.27 mg/gdw) whereas minimum in Root of P. odorata (0.15 mg/gdw)
How to cite this article:
Baga Ram, Navdeep S. Bains. Sterol contents from two plant species of western Rajasthan grown in vivo and in vitro. Int J Herb Med 2014;2(1):119-120.