Vol. 2, Issue 4, Part A (2014)
Utility and importance of Anupan – A review
Author(s): Dr. Dhulappa D. Mehatre
Abstract: Bheshaja avacharana vidhi (Drug administration) in Ayurveda is a science by itself. Under this title it constitutes a concept Anupana (vehicle), which forms an integral part of chikitsa (treatment). Human beings are more concerned about their health, protection from the evils of diseases and suffering since the dawn of civilization. They believed that, nature alone could help in conquering these afflictions and they sought remedies in Nature i.e., in Plants, Minerals and Animals. The concept of Anupana has been in Ayurvedicliterature since archaic times. It plays its important role in treatment. It brings certain changes in a substance along with which it is administered. However, its importance and practical utility does not fully recognized and applied at any rate. Hence, the obvious requirement is to secure detailed information from the available literature, then procure a fair and critical understanding of the implication of this term in the light of observable and verifiable facts available to us today. Then reconstruct the concept in view of later developments in the field of medicine. On review of literature anupana has multidimensional effects, it will act as nutritive, stimulant, preventive and curative.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Dhulappa D. Mehatre. Utility and importance of Anupan – A review. Int J Herb Med 2014;2(4):31-34.