Vol. 2, Issue 5, Part A (2014)
Assessing the morphological and taxonomic characteristics of some members of convolvulaceae family
Author(s): Okereke C.N, Iroka F.C, Chukwuma M.O
Abstract: The assessment of the morphological and taxonomic characteristics of some members of Convolvulaceae family was determined using standard method of analyses. The family is distributed throughout the world, having weed representations and the family is distinguishable by its plicate corolla, axile placentation with few ovules, bicollate vascular bundles and latex, symmetrical corolla, the floral formulae and superior gynoecium. The result obtained showed that Ipomoea batatas presented in table 1 had plant III as the highest plant length of 150 cm, leaf length of 70.3 cm, leaf breadth of 32.2 cm and the flower length of 4.5 cm followed by breadth of by plant I which had the highest value of successive internodes and plant IV had the least value of plant length of 30 cm and leaf breath of 17.7 cm. Ipomoea triloba Presented in table 2 showed plant V to be the highest in plant length (186 cm), in successive internodes (14.82), in leaf length (17.72 cm) and leaf breadth (13.70 cm) whereas plant IV was the least in all the parameters. Ipomoea involucratepresented in table length (450 cm), leave breadth (8.40 cm), leaf length (15.50 cm) and successive internodes whereas plant V showed the least result in leaf breadth (3.01 cm) and plant IV showed least value of plant length (144 cm).Evolvulus alsinoides in table 4 showed plant I as the highest in plant length (45 cm), leaf breadth (9 cm), successive internodes (1.73 cm) and leaf breadth (1.48) whereas plant II showed the least result in plant length (28 cm), leaf length (1.70 cm), leaf breadth (0.94 cm) and flower length (1.34 cm). Ipomoeavegans presented in table 5 showed plant I to be highest in plant length (137 cm), successive internodes (3.60 cm) and leaf length (9.79) whereas plant IV showed the least value in plant length (61 cm), successive internodes (2.82 cm), leaf length (5.12 cm) and leaf breadth (2.26 cm). Generally, the members in Convolvulaceae family have morphological differences or species uniqueness which aids in easy identification of the members.
How to cite this article:
Okereke C.N, Iroka F.C, Chukwuma M.O. Assessing the morphological and taxonomic characteristics of some members of convolvulaceae family. Int J Herb Med 2014;2(5):38-42.