International Journal of Herbal Medicine
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P-ISSN: 2394-0514, E-ISSN: 2321-2187   |   
International Journal of Herbal Medicine
Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part A (2015)

Standard manufacturing procedure and quality parameters of Kanakbindvarishta

Author(s): Rahul Shingadiya, Kinnari Dhruve, VJ Shukla, Prajapati PK
Abstract: Kanakabindvarishta is a Ayurvedic formulation described in Charaka Samhita in the context of kushtarog (Skin disorders). In the reference, the ratio to prepare the Kwatha of Khadira and which sweetening agent should be used is not mentioned. So efforts have been carried out to decide that and to generate SMP of Kanakabindvarishta. In present study, total 5 batches of Kanakabindvarishta were prepared by adding yeast. The heartwood of Khadira was procured from the forest of Saurashtra Region. Organoleptic and Physico‑chemical analysis like LOD, pH value, water and methanol soluble extractive, sugar and alcohol contents and Qualitative test for various functional groups were carried out. Fermentation started and ceased earlier because of addition of the yeast. The yield was found in between 58.92 to 68.60 %. Very less variation found in different parameters in all batches. Tannin percentage of Khadira and final product was 7.1 and 4.09% respectively that shows utilization of tannin in fermentation process. By deciding Ratio of kwatha and Sweetening agent according to description of acharya Sharangdhar, the S.M.P has been developed to prepare Kanakabindvarishta.
Pages: 33-36  |  2137 Views  209 Downloads

International Journal of Herbal Medicine
How to cite this article:
Rahul Shingadiya, Kinnari Dhruve, VJ Shukla, Prajapati PK. Standard manufacturing procedure and quality parameters of Kanakbindvarishta. Int J Herb Med 2015;3(1):33-36.

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