Vol. 3, Issue 5, Part A (2015)
Study and analysis of nutritional value of some wild and semi wild edible plants consumed by “HO†tribes of W. Singhbhum district, Jharkhand, India
Author(s): Sangita Horo, Salomi Topno
Abstract: The present study deals with ethno-botanical exploration, documentation and food potential of some wild edible leafy vegetables consumed by “Ho†tribes. There are 20 wild leafy plant species which were investigated by their botanical name, local name, plant part used as a vegetable, medicinal uses and nutritional values which have been documented. These wild leafy vegetables are delicious, refreshing and rich in minerals. They may provide minerals like protein energy, carbohydrates, potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A and Vitamin C as well as used as remedy for various diseases. This type of study could contribute to educate and bring awareness to the young generations as well as urban communities to practice in their daily life for prevention against the chronic diseases and about the importance of wild leafy vegetables. These plants can be incorporated in commercial crop plants in future and will tend to minimize food scarcity as well as economy in tribal areas for their livelihood and help in regeneration of barren lands.
How to cite this article:
Sangita Horo, Salomi Topno. Study and analysis of nutritional value of some wild and semi wild edible plants consumed by “HO†tribes of W. Singhbhum district, Jharkhand, India. Int J Herb Med 2015;3(5):25-32.