Vol. 3, Issue 5, Part A (2015)
Pharmacognostical evaluation and phytochemical studies on Ayurvedic nutritional fruits of Trapa natans L.
Author(s): Vandana Bharthi, Kavya B, Shantha TR, Prathapa Reddy M, Kavya N, Rama Rao V, Kalpeshkumar B Ishnawa, Venkateshwarlu G
Abstract: Trapa natans L. is a small free-floating plant growing mainly in shallow water or swampy regions, native to Europe, Asia and Africa commonly called as the water chestnut or singhara in India. The plant consists of dried seeds which are enclosed in a thick and dark brown hard kernel that are delicious to eat possessing high protein, carbohydrates, starch, flavonoids and essential minerals. It favors nutrient rich water with pH range between 6.7 and 8.2 and the alkalinity between 12 and 128 mg/L of calcium carbonate. In Indian Ayurvedic System of Medicine, it’s well known for medicinal properties and high nutritive value useful in the treatment of stomach, liver, kidney, spleen and genitourinary disorders. The kernels are used as appetizer, tonic, analgesic, anti-diarrheal, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-diabetic. The present work highlights the Phytochemical Evaluation, microscopic studies, nutritional aspects and Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) of the fruits of T. natans L.
How to cite this article:
Vandana Bharthi, Kavya B, Shantha TR, Prathapa Reddy M, Kavya N, Rama Rao V, Kalpeshkumar B Ishnawa, Venkateshwarlu G. Pharmacognostical evaluation and phytochemical studies on Ayurvedic nutritional fruits of Trapa natans L.. Int J Herb Med 2015;3(5):13-19.