Vol. 4, Issue 3, Part A (2016)
Optimizing the growth conditions and adopting new methods growing oyster and milky mushrooms in same conditions
Author(s): V Ragupathi, S Kumerasan, S Selvaraju, V Karthikeyan
Abstract: The growing conditions of oyster and milky mushrooms were optimized by repeated trails test, for this experiment different oyster mushroom varieties-Pleurotus florida, P.oystratus, P. Sajurkaju and different milky mushroom varieties Calocybe sps were used. The temperature requirements needed for oyster mushroom varieties were optimized 28°C-30°C in this same conditions milky mushrooms were also grown on the same room with 70% humidity, 2 times water spray daily, with two open ventilators. This method yielded 4 kg of oyster and 4 kg of milky mushrooms in three different periodical harvest. This method of growing is an improved conventional method of mushroom cultivation in a closed concrete room.
How to cite this article:
V Ragupathi, S Kumerasan, S Selvaraju, V Karthikeyan. Optimizing the growth conditions and adopting new methods growing oyster and milky mushrooms in same conditions. Int J Herb Med 2016;4(3):01-04.