Vol. 5, Issue 2, Part B (2017)
Contribution of invasive plants in herbal medicinal practices
Author(s): Abhijith Pappan and Binu Thomas
Abstract: The present study on invasive plants and their medico-potentialities reveals that, there are about 28 invasive species belonging to 18 families were documented from Mukkam municipality of Kozhikode district, Kerala. The documentation was mainly based on the field observation, discussions with local peoples as well as scrutinizing the literature review. Many invasive plants are threat to the native flora, out of these some of them are utilized by people for curing and controlling various ailments.
How to cite this article:
Abhijith Pappan, Binu Thomas. Contribution of invasive plants in herbal medicinal practices. Int J Herb Med 2017;5(2):73-77.