Vol. 5, Issue 4, Part A (2017)
Keraliya Karnaroga Chikitsa W.S.R. to Chikitsamanjari
Author(s): Pundareekaksha Rao P
Abstract: Chikitsamanjari is widely used reference book by physicians of Kerala. It has mentioned simple and very effective treatment for ear diseases. Few medicinal preparations found in this book that which all are not found in classical texts. Author has described treatment related with all eight branches, but mainly focuses on Kayachikitsa. Chikitsamanjari consists of two parts. First part deals with diseases mentioned in Kayachikitsa and second half deals with other seven branches. The speciality of the book is drugs which all are used in medicine preparations are easily available, special Karnapurana preparations have been mentioned. In Karnaroga chikitsa, the treatment for pus eliminate from ear, pain in the ear, swelling of ear, foul smell from ear, insects in ears, etc have been mentioned. He mainly focused on Karnapurana for treatment of all diseases and also added some new yogas to classical treatment.
How to cite this article:
Pundareekaksha Rao P. Keraliya Karnaroga Chikitsa W.S.R. to Chikitsamanjari. Int J Herb Med 2017;5(4):55-59.