Vol. 5, Issue 4, Part B (2017)
On farm assessment on growth, yield and economics of high yielding variety scented rice Geetanjali
Author(s): Tiryak Kumar Samant
Abstract: The study was carried out through on farm testing during rabi season of 2011-12 under mid central table land zone of Odisha with an objective to evaluate the performances of high yielding variety scented rice Geetanjali as compared to the farmer’s practice (Pimpudibasa). The early matured (135 days) scented rice Geetanjali recorded higher plant height(130.6 cm), effective tillers plant-1(5.3), Length of panicle(23.5 cm), filled grains panicle-1(72.4) with spikelet fertility(84.3%) and 1000 grain weight(22.6 g) than Pimpudibasa. The same also produced grain yield 26.5 q ha-1 which is 48.9 % higher yield than Pimpudibasa with harvest index ( 43.3%) and production efficiency(19.63 kg ha-1 day-1). The Geetanjali gave higher gross return Rs. 34885 ha-1 with a benefit-cost ratio 2.02, monetary productivity (Rs.258.4 ha-1 day-1 ) and additional net return Rs.13605 ha-1 as compared to farmers practice and thus existing variety Pimpudibasa can be replaced by Geetanjali for higher productivity and income.
How to cite this article:
Tiryak Kumar Samant. On farm assessment on growth, yield and economics of high yielding variety scented rice Geetanjali. Int J Herb Med 2017;5(4):114-116.