Vol. 5, Issue 4, Part B (2017)
Identification and ethnobotanical survey of profitable medicinal plants used as remedy in Sangina Pakistan
Author(s): Nazim Hassan, Deli Wang, Mohammad Shuaib, Zhiwei Zhong, Mohammad Nisar, Waqas Ahmad, Sajjad Ahmed and Aimal Khan
Abstract: A study on profitable medicinal plants was assessed through semi structured intervives to document ethno medicinal knowledge of Sangina, Pakistan from March 2013 to June 2014.The peoples of the locality use 46 medicinal plant species from 31 families. Lamiaceae was the most leading familiy. They use herb (65%), shrubs (17%) and trees (17%) while part used as whole plant (39%), bark (17%), leaf (30%), root (15%), fruit (13%), seed (10%), stem (4%) and gum (2%) as herbal medicines at different percentage as diuretic (26.08%), diarrohea (10.86%), blood purification (2.17%), gastro disorders (2.17%), stomachache (13.04%), vermifuge (4.34%), fever (10.86%), cold (4.34%), cough (15.21%), tooth brush (2.17%), healing of wounds (4.34%), pain killer (10.86%), tonic (17.39%), sedative (6.52%), antiseptics (2.17%), hepatic (8.69%), diarrhea (10.86%), dysentery (10.86%), bhung (2.17%), heart diseases (6.52%), antidandruff (6.52%), and diabetes (4.34%). This study may diffuse the knowledge regarding the potential of medicinal plants in the area.
How to cite this article:
Nazim Hassan, Deli Wang, Mohammad Shuaib, Zhiwei Zhong, Mohammad Nisar, Waqas Ahmad, Sajjad Ahmed, Aimal Khan. Identification and ethnobotanical survey of profitable medicinal plants used as remedy in Sangina Pakistan. Int J Herb Med 2017;5(4):117-123.