Vol. 5, Issue 5, Part A (2017)
A clinical study of Trivritta Leha in the management of Bahupitta Kamala with special reference to Serum Bilirubin level
Author(s): VD Varsha S. Khot and MD Kayachikitsa
Abstract: This clinical study was carried out to study the therapeutic effect of virechana by Trivrit Leha in the patients suffering from Bahupitta Kamala by selecting 30 patients in OPD and IPD of Department of Kayachikitsa of our hospital. Patients were given Trivrit Leha for 14 days and effect was evaluated on pre-test and post- test design. Statistically significant results were seen in the subjective signs & symptoms and objective parameter Sr.Bilirubin Level, giving a conclusion that Virechana by Trivrit Leha is a very effective treatment for Bahupitta Kamala.
How to cite this article:
VD Varsha S. Khot, MD Kayachikitsa. A clinical study of Trivritta Leha in the management of Bahupitta Kamala with special reference to Serum Bilirubin level. Int J Herb Med 2017;5(5):20-21.