Vol. 6, Issue 4, Part A (2018)
Pharmacognostic standardization and development of HPTLC fingerprint fora Siddha herbal formulation Injiirasayanam
Author(s): Neethu Kannan B, Gayathri Devi V, Anitha John, Lekha GS, Natarajan M, Thirupathi B and Kanagarajan A
Abstract: The present study evaluates the pharma cognsotic standardization of a Siddha herbal formulation, Injiirasayanam based on its botanical and physico-chemical parameters, which ensure the quality and safety of formulation from adulterants. Powder microscopical studies of formulation and anatomical studies of individual ingredients were carried out. Physico-chemical parameters such as loss on drying at 105 â°C, total ash value, acid insoluble ash, water soluble extractive and alcohol soluble extractive were also determined. High performance thin layer chromatographic study (HPTLC) of Injiirasayanam (HPTLC) was performed and the chromatograms were documented. Physico-chemical standards of the formulation were established for the safety and quality evaluation of this formulation. High performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) is a valuable tool for the investigation of herbal products with respect to different aspects of their quality. Thus, physico-chemical standardisation and HPTLC fingerprinting helped to ensure the quality of formulation and to identify the presence of phyto components based on its Rf values.
How to cite this article:
Neethu Kannan B, Gayathri Devi V, Anitha John, Lekha GS, Natarajan M, Thirupathi B, Kanagarajan A. Pharmacognostic standardization and development of HPTLC fingerprint fora Siddha herbal formulation Injiirasayanam. Int J Herb Med 2018;6(4):17-21.