Vol. 7, Issue 2, Part A (2019)
Comparative study of assessment of Medha in pittapradhan and vadapradhan Prakruti individuals
Author(s): Vijaya B Nyahalse and Minakshi A Randive
Abstract: Human beings distinguish themselves from other animals in possessing well developed brain with higher intellectual functions. Intelligence is an important aspect of human personality. The widely accepted meaning of intelligence is the ability to see meaningful relationships between the things. It includes perceiving, knowing, reasoning and remembering. To assess Medha (Intelligence), there are intelligence tests explained in modern science (In this project Medha was assessed with “S.K. Pal & K.S. Misra testâ€, which is described in methodology). Medha is one of the important characters explained in ‘Prakruti’ (Body constitution). Prakruti is the relation of three Doshas with human body from the time of conception.
How to cite this article:
Vijaya B Nyahalse, Minakshi A Randive. Comparative study of assessment of Medha in pittapradhan and vadapradhan Prakruti individuals. Int J Herb Med 2019;7(2):38-41.