Vol. 7, Issue 3, Part A (2019)
Phytopharmacognostic evaluation of plant Euphorbia hirta L.
Author(s): Kalyan Hazra, Sreya Dutta, Shreya Ghosal, Deboleena Paria and Mruthyumjaya Meda Rao
Abstract: The plant Euphorbia hirta L. belongs to family Euphorbiaceae. This plant is known for medicinal properties, such as in anti-oxidant, diarrhea, dysentery, anti-tumor, anti-bacterial etc. The present study considers the detail investigation of macroscopy, microscopy, preliminary qualititative phytochemical analysis, physicochemical evaluations, chromatography and infra red spectroscopy profiling. Microscopical investigation was adopted to identify the powder characters of whole plant include multi cellular hirsute covering trichomes, epidermal cells with sinuous wall, anomocytic stomata, spiral and retulate xylem vessels, laticiferous ducts, anther sac with pollen grains etc. Physicochemical parameters reveal the data of quality, purity while phytochemical screening reflects the presence of various secondary metabolites. Data from botanical and chemical screening in combination may be considered for further pharmacological and therapeutical evaluation of the species and will assist in standardization for quality, purity and sample identification.
How to cite this article:
Kalyan Hazra, Sreya Dutta, Shreya Ghosal, Deboleena Paria, Mruthyumjaya Meda Rao. Phytopharmacognostic evaluation of plant Euphorbia hirta L.. Int J Herb Med 2019;7(3):07-15.