Vol. 7, Issue 3, Part A (2019)
Antimicrobial activity of biocontrol agents against soil born phytopathogens
Author(s): Anjula Chaudhary and Abha Vashistha
Abstract: Soil borne pathogens are one of major concern in agriculture which significantly decreases the plant yield. Among pathogens phytopathogenic fungi is most devastating. Chemical are used to control plant pathogens which cause environmental, ecological and human health hazards, so natural pesticides are used which are known as biopesticides. In this study the effect of plant products and cow urine was observed on certain species of Alternaria, Fusarium and Helminthosporium. The phytopathogens were obtained by different methods were used. For plant extract preparation Cassia lunata and Calotropus procera were used. The extract antifungal activity of plant and cow urine distillate was observed separately and a combination of both cow urine distillate and plants extract was also used. Calotropus procera showed maximum inhibition upto 70% and the inhibition was increased when concentration of extract was increased. Cow urine also showed successful decrease in fungal activity.
How to cite this article:
Anjula Chaudhary, Abha Vashistha. Antimicrobial activity of biocontrol agents against soil born phytopathogens. Int J Herb Med 2019;7(3):33-35.