Vol. 7, Issue 6, Part A (2019)
Role of katuka (Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth.) in obesity W.S.R to Ayurvedic and modern aspect: A review
Author(s): Surekha Khandekar, Tabasum Pansare, Abhijeet Pachpor and Sharad Kumar Maurya
Abstract: The global epidemic Obesity is affecting 300 million people world-wide and 22 million people in India. According to Ayurveda Kapha-vata vikruti, hypo functioning of Jathragni, Medodh wagni and Ama production lead to excess enhancement of vitiated medovriddhi. The pathophysiological changes in medovridhhi have shown similarity with those of obesity. Katuka (Picrorrhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth.) on account of its attributes like tikta rasa, sheeta Virya, katu Vipaka and laghu, ruksha guna perform the function of Lekhan (Scraping), Deepan (restoration of Agni), Pachan (Digetion), Bhedan (purgative), vata kapha nashan (alleviates vata and kapha in the body) and Hridya (cardioprotective), Pramehaghna (Anti-diabetic) and Yakrut Gana (Hepato-protective) karma (action). Katuka possesses choleretic (Pittavirechak) and cholegogue (Virechak- purgative) action. Moreover Katuka is useful in Obesity associated with comorbidities like Cardiac disorders, Hyperlipidemia, Diabetes, Liver disease and Cancer. This paper presents its role in obesity on the basis of ayurvedic and modern parameters.
How to cite this article:
Surekha Khandekar, Tabasum Pansare, Abhijeet Pachpor, Sharad Kumar Maurya. Role of katuka (Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth.) in obesity W.S.R to Ayurvedic and modern aspect: A review. Int J Herb Med 2019;7(6):31-35.