International Journal of Herbal Medicine
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P-ISSN: 2394-0514, E-ISSN: 2321-2187   |   
International Journal of Herbal Medicine
Vol. 8, Issue 2, Part B (2020)

Ethno botanical study of medicinal plants of district Charsadda, Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, Pakistan

Author(s): Sulaiman Shah, Shariatullah, Tabassum Yaseen, Mia Fazli Basit, Yaseen Khan and Tao Zhang
Abstract: The ethnomedicinal study play a key role in the control of various disorders and provide a base for further study on scientific lines. This survey, observed traditionally medicinal plants uses their therapeutic uses for the various common ailments in District Charsadda KP. The regular 7 trips were arranged in each season from January, 2018 to April, 2019 and collect the data from the local inhabitants through questionnaires interviewed regarding the available medicinal plants. The total of 105 respondents (90 males, 15 females) were distributed. Family importance value (FIV), Relative Frequency of Citation (RFC) and conservative status help to find the most common used plants. The total 81 plants are recorded as medicinal belonging to 45 families and 75 genera. The life form showed that 48 species were herb, 24 Tress and 9 were a shrub, the common parts were Leaf, fruit, and whole plant which were used in greater numbers. The inhabitants used them for pain relief, fever, rheumatism, spasmodic, inflammation, respiratory, digestive, and cordial disorders. The conservation status shows that some species of the area is going to be extinct due to high biotic and abiotic factors. The study aims to bring awareness among the people, to save this precious knowledge and protect these plants, for the next generation.
Pages: 67-75  |  1419 Views  358 Downloads

International Journal of Herbal Medicine
How to cite this article:
Sulaiman Shah, Shariatullah, Tabassum Yaseen, Mia Fazli Basit, Yaseen Khan, Tao Zhang. Ethno botanical study of medicinal plants of district Charsadda, Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, Pakistan. Int J Herb Med 2020;8(2):67-75.

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