Vol. 8, Issue 4, Part B (2020)
A comprehensive review on Turbud (Operculina turpethum (L): A potential unani drug
Author(s): Huda Nafees, Sana Nafees and Syed Nizamudeen
Abstract: Turbud (Operculina turpethum (L.) Silva Manso) belongs to family Convolvulaceae, is a Potent and well-known medicinal herb, used in Unani system of medicine to treat various ailments. The word Turbud is considered to be coined from its Sanskrit name Tripatak meaning triangulated as its stems are triangulated. It is large Perennial twinner with milky juice. Roots are long, slender, fleshy, much branched. In classical text it is mentioned that the Turbud which is white in colour, light weighted and having resin on both ends is of good quality. In unani system of medicine its main actions are expectorant and laxative and used in several diseases like arthritis, ascites, gout, hemiplegia etc. According to Avicenna use of Turbud along with zinjabeel is more efficacious. It has been used as an important component in many compound formulations such as ItrifalUstu-khud’dus, Itrifal Zamani, Itrifal Muqil, Itrifal Mulaiyyin. The major chemical constituents present in it are turpethin, glucoside, jalapine, convolvulin etc. Operculina turpethum Linn. is validated for its different pharmacological action like anti-inflammatory effect, ulcer protective. The present review comprehensively embodied its phytochemical, pharmacological and pharmacognostical, description.
How to cite this article:
Huda Nafees, Sana Nafees, Syed Nizamudeen. A comprehensive review on Turbud (Operculina turpethum (L): A potential unani drug. Int J Herb Med 2020;8(4):88-92.