S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Efficiency of Aloe vera juice on diabetes mellitus: An interventional study Jagadeeswari J and Sharmila J Pages: 01-04 | 1389 Views 567 Downloads | Country: India | India |
2 | Pharmacognostical and phytochemical figures of Kutaja Veeja & Twak (Holarrhena antidysenterica Linn.): A textual review Dr. Shiva Prasad Mohanty and Dr. Kshirabdhi Tanaya Rautaray Pages: 05-09 | 1353 Views 742 Downloads | Country: India | India |
3 | Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi): A potential treatment course for neurological disorders: Review Prachi Kulkarni Pages: 10-18 | 2482 Views 1812 Downloads | Country: India | India |
4 | GC-MS identification of bioactive components of leaf extract of Sida acuta (BURM. F) Nalini TJ, Keshamma E, Ramesh Babu HN, Rajeshwari N and Sridhar BT Pages: 19-24 | 1574 Views 900 Downloads | Country: India | India |
5 | Serum IL-10 levels in acute coronary syndrome Wistar mice model with Salam leaf extract (Syzygium polyanthum) administration Tanjung Yulisa Astari, Refli Hasan and Rahmad Isnanta Pages: 25-27 | 841 Views 214 Downloads | Country: Indonesia | Indonesia |
6 | Effect of Origanum vulgare on perennial allergic rhinitis: A pilot randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial Seyed Hesamodin Nabavizadeh, Seyed MortezaEmami Alorizi, Zahra Sobhani, Mohammad Fararouei and Mozhgan Moghtaderi Pages: 28-31 | 1455 Views 777 Downloads | Country: Iran, Islamic Republic of | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
7 | Pharmaceutical, nutritional and cosmetic applications of Aloe vera plant Gunarathnage Upul Anuruddha Kumara, Wadimuna Mudiyanselage Dharmasenage Ruvinika Wirajani Wadimuna and WLA Rajini Saroja Pushpakumari Pages: 32-36 | 2312 Views 1605 Downloads | Country: Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka |
8 | A phytochemical screening of Bakkala (Etlingera elatior) originated from suakbugis, Aceh, Indonesia and its potential in ethnobotany Saudah, Ernilasari, Fitmawati, Dewi Indriyani Roslim, Zumaidar, Darusman, Monalisa and Arif Habibal Umam Pages: 37-42 | 2656 Views 1963 Downloads | Country: Indonesia | Indonesia |
9 | How effective the integration of “KAATSU” into different applications in sports medicine? A Review Vimukthi Asahara Samaranada, Shishanthi Anuradha Perera, Sanjula Madubhashi Nayanathara, Koralage Tanika Gayani Kanchana and Denagama Vitharanage Chanaka Gayan Pages: 43-51 | 1299 Views 592 Downloads | Country: Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka |
10 | Ulcer healing property of Commiphora myrrha Engl. (Mur makki) MHM Hafeel and Abdul Azeez Rizwana Pages: 52-54 | 1097 Views 524 Downloads | Country: Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka |