Vol. 10, Issue 4, Part A (2022)
An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used by Dongaria and Kutia tribe of Niyamagiri hill, Odisha on Dermatological Infection Diseases (DID)
Author(s): Sangeeta Das, Makund Ghadai and A Leelaveni
Abstract: The present paper provides complete information on the ethno medicinal plants used to cure different types of skin diseases by the tribal people living in Niyamagiri hill region of Kalahandi district of Odisha. Fungi causing skin infections are treated by the Dongaria and Kutia Kandh are siding at Niyamagiri Hills, Odisha, India, in the last thousand years back using plant parts of local flora of Niyamagiri as traditional medicine. Keeping this in view it was conceptualized to study the ethnobotany of species used as traditional medicines among them in order to validate their therapeutic claims against Czema and other skin diseases. Different herbal methods of treating Dermatological infection diseases (DID) Like Scabies, Ringworm, Itching, Measles, Mumps, Chicken pox, Eczema, Cuts, Wounds, Burns and other skin irritation in ethno medicinal practice of the tribal people of Dongaria and Kutia Kandhas of Kalahandi district are described based on survey among scheduled caste and scheduled tribe population. On closer examination of the literature, almost all of the species are discovered to be new to Orissa. A total of 30 angiosperms belonging to 27 families and 29 genera having ethno medicinal uses in skin diseases were documented and the study goes on to discuss the bioactive substances found in various plant parts and their potential application in medicine manufacture.
How to cite this article:
Sangeeta Das, Makund Ghadai, A Leelaveni. An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used by Dongaria and Kutia tribe of Niyamagiri hill, Odisha on Dermatological Infection Diseases (DID). Int J Herb Med 2022;10(4):06-09.