Vol. 10, Issue 5, Part A (2022)
A review on the ethnobotanical importance of Cosmostigma racemosum (Roxb.) Wight (Vaattuvalli)
Author(s): Aparna SG and A Shahul Hameed
Abstract: Ethnobotany deals with the inter relationship between the humans and plant resources of a particular region. Cosmostigma racemosum (Roxb.) Wight is an ethnobotanically important plant of Apocynaceae family, having many traditional and folklore usages. A compilation of botanical description, ethnobotanical uses and research works of the plant are done. Cosmostigma racemosum (Roxb.)Wight which is known as Vaattuvalli in Malayalam is a twiner with simple, opposite, cordate leaf, terete, puberulous stem and racemose axillary or sublateral cymose inflorescence. Leaves have a peculiar chilly like odour. Leaf paste is used for healing of wounds by the tribal healers. Root bark of the plant are said to be excellent cholagogue. The bark is useful in chronic fevers. The flowers are edible and the plant is also eaten as a vegetable in diabetes among the tribals. Ethnobotanically important plants are to be documented and validated scientifically as it may lead to the preservation of many valid folklore knowledges and also that particular plant species.
How to cite this article:
Aparna SG, A Shahul Hameed. A review on the ethnobotanical importance of Cosmostigma racemosum (Roxb.) Wight (Vaattuvalli). Int J Herb Med 2022;10(5):07-10. DOI: