International Journal of Herbal Medicine
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P-ISSN: 2394-0514, E-ISSN: 2321-2187   |   
International Journal of Herbal Medicine
Vol. 10, Issue 6, Part A (2022)

A short note on Sudha: A mineral source

Author(s): Ramya M Pavate, Vinaykumar R Kadibagil, Gazala Hussain, Aishwarya L Hegde, Anusha KR and Gayathri Sajeev
Abstract: Rasashastra is a branch of Ayurveda pharmaceutics where drugs of varied origin like metals, minerals, marine drugs are employed in therapeutics. Sudha is one of the drugs of calcium containing group termed under sudha varga (marine compounds), shuklavarga, shwetavarga which is considered to be oxide of calcium. Thorough search of classical texts and articles was carried out to collect data about the drug. Sudha is categorised under different groups by different authors. This classification of drugs may be based on physical and chemical properties of drugs of that group. References for direct use as sudha or as churnodaka having both pharmaceutical and therapeutic utility was found. Sudha is most used drug for purification of dravya to remove the impurities and toxic effects.
Pages: 01-03  |  1456 Views  1051 Downloads

International Journal of Herbal Medicine
How to cite this article:
Ramya M Pavate, Vinaykumar R Kadibagil, Gazala Hussain, Aishwarya L Hegde, Anusha KR, Gayathri Sajeev. A short note on Sudha: A mineral source. Int J Herb Med 2022;10(6):01-03.

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