Vol. 11, Issue 4, Part A (2023)
Conceptual study of Asthidhatvagni by evaluating association of Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3
Author(s): Deepali Amale and Supekar Suhas
Abstract: Agni is key factor in transformation of consumed aharadi dravyas (food articles) of vijatiya (Heterogenous) origin to sajatiya (homogenous) nature. Agni is derivative of Tejas mahabhuta (fire element). It carries metabolic transformations in which the inherent feature is change. Agni is having 13 categories. Jatharagni (1 type) looks after the functions of food digestion and absorption. Bhutagni (5 types) turns all the vijatiya panchabhautika dravyas consumed to Sajatiya Panchabhautika Dravyas, i.e. conversion of heterogonous to homogenous. Dhatvagni (7 types) performs Synthesis and breakdown of tissues. Asthi is one of the dhatu which will be nourished by components similar to its composition the influence of asthidhatvagni. Here we can corelate vit B12 and Vit D3 with asthidhatvagni.
How to cite this article:
Deepali Amale, Supekar Suhas. Conceptual study of Asthidhatvagni by evaluating association of Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3. Int J Herb Med 2023;11(4):18-20. DOI: