Vol. 11, Issue 5, Part C (2023)
Management of Pandu with Darvyadi leha: A case study
Author(s): Dr. Meenal Prakash Pawar and Dr. Shrikant Deshmukh
Abstract: Pandu roga is explained by almost all of our Acharyas. Pandu widely described in various vedas and ayurvedic texts as an independent disease. It is called Pandu roga because of predominance of pandu bhava (paleness) all over the body. Pandu rogi suffers from decreased blood count, Bala (strength), Varna (complexion), Sneha, Meda and Oja. Patient becomes Nihsara (loss of natural integrity, tone and strength) and shithilendriya. In this there is vitiation of pitta pradhana vatadi dosha and raktadhatu in the body. Pandu is described under rasapradoshaja vikara. In modern it can be closely related with iron deficiency anemia on the basis of symptoms and causative factors. In a recent estimate, about 8.8% of global population is affected includes all age groups. It is most common form of anaemia in India with root cause of nutritional deficiency. In this case study 40 yr old male patient suffering from Hridspandan, Gatrashoola, Shwasa, Dourbalya, Pandutva, Bhrama, Hatanala, Bhaktadvesha. Patient diagnosed as a pandu vyadhi and treated with darvyadi leha as Acharya charak mentioned the one of the best medicine to treat pandu vyadhi.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Meenal Prakash Pawar, Dr. Shrikant Deshmukh. Management of Pandu with Darvyadi leha: A case study. Int J Herb Med 2023;11(5):191-194.