International Journal of Herbal Medicine
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P-ISSN: 2394-0514, E-ISSN: 2321-2187   |   Impact Factor: RJIF 5.20
International Journal of Herbal Medicine
Vol. 11, Issue 5, Part C (2023)

Utilization of ethnomedicinal flora in the Western Himalayan Region

Author(s): Bezawit Demissie and Mohammed Ali
The Western Himalayan region, characterized by its unique biodiversity and rich cultural heritage, has been a significant repository of traditional knowledge concerning the use of medicinal plants. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the utilization of ethnomedicinal flora in the Western Himalayas. It explores the traditional knowledge systems, medicinal plant diversity, extraction methods, pharmacological properties, and conservation efforts in the region. The paper highlights the importance of preserving and promoting indigenous knowledge while integrating it with modern scientific approaches for sustainable healthcare practices and biodiversity conservation.
Pages: 195-197  |  148 Views  83 Downloads

International Journal of Herbal Medicine
How to cite this article:
Bezawit Demissie, Mohammed Ali. Utilization of ethnomedicinal flora in the Western Himalayan Region. Int J Herb Med 2023;11(5):195-197. DOI: 10.22271/flora.2023.v11.i5c.919

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