Vol. 11, Issue 6, Part A (2023)
Review articles of langali (Gloriosa superba Linn.)
Author(s): Rafiq Rasul Shaikh, Nayana hingmire and Vijay Patil
Abstract: A branch of Ayurveda known as agadatantra deals with the signs and symptoms of numerous latent and overt poisons. Different Ayurvedic pharmacopoeias classify the medication Langali (Gloriosa splendid Linn.) as a Moolavisha (toxic roots) and one of the nine Upavishas (half poisonous drugs). A poison can act as an ambrosia if administered in the right amounts and properly purified. Even food can be poisonous if consumed in excess. Ayurveda has used many poisons for therapeutic purposes since ancient times, but only after thorough cleansing. A plant known as Langli (Gloriosa superba) has both medicinal and toxicological characteristics. It has been suggested to use Gloriosa Superba to treat haemorrhoids, worm ulcers, skin conditions, and postponed labour.
How to cite this article:
Rafiq Rasul Shaikh, Nayana hingmire, Vijay Patil. Review articles of langali (Gloriosa superba Linn.). Int J Herb Med 2023;11(6):01-02. DOI: