Vol. 12, Issue 3, Part A (2024)
Therapeutic potential of Habb e Marwareed in Amraz e Niswan: A review
Author(s): Faiza-Furqan, Fahmeeda-Zeenat and Shamsa-Ahmed
Abstract: The unani system of medicine, with its roots tracing back through the ages, offers promising avenues in the prevention and treatment of various ailments, particularly in gynaecology, known as Amraze Niswan. This system boasts a rich repository of Unani crude drugs and compound formulations targeted towards addressing common gynecological issues encountered daily by practitioners, such as leucorrhea, chronic pelvic pain, PID, PCOD, anemia with generalized weakness, among others. Unani Pharmacopoeia reveals one prominent Unani compound formulation namely ‘Habb e Marwareed’, incorporating pearl as a chief ingredient and in the form of pills has shown efficacy in managing leucorrhea and boosting the female immune system. In Unani system of medicine, Sailan-ur-Rahem is a diseased condition occurred due to irregular and disproportional distribution of Akhlat (humor) in which the excess useless matter is present in the uterus which is accumulated due to zoaf e rahem. This formulation targets excessive vaginal discharge caused especially due to zoaf e rahem or by specific and non-specific infections. Unani literature extensively discusses the role of the faculty of the uterus in producing excessive base materials, and Unani formulations have been traditionally employed to address such conditions. Despite its historical significance, scientific studies on these formulations remain limited. This paper aims to provide a scientific basis for the efficacy of the Unani compound, ‘Habb e Marwareed’ and its ingredients, laying the groundwork for further clinical studies on larger sample sizes to effectively manage conditions like Sailanur rahem.
How to cite this article:
Faiza-Furqan, Fahmeeda-Zeenat, Shamsa-Ahmed. Therapeutic potential of Habb e Marwareed in Amraz e Niswan: A review. Int J Herb Med 2024;12(3):44-49. DOI: