Vol. 12, Issue 6, Part A (2024)
Importance of Indriya in Manas Vyadhi Utpatti: A Review
Author(s): Yashashri A Vitonde, Dr. Jayashri S Deshmukh and Shrikant G Deshmukh
Abstract: Being a holistic science, Ayurveda promotes physical, mental, social and spiritual health. Nowadays, 95% diseases are phychosomatic. Basic cause of Manas vyadhi is stress causes due to Kam-krodhadi Shadripu’s. Indriya ie Sense organs act as an instrument to acquire knowledge by the soul and play a vital role as a messenger to mana ie mined. Asatmendriyarth sanyog of both Dnyanendriya and Karmendriya including Mana vitiates Raja-Tama dosha. Harsh words/ Aggressive talking or listening immediately decreases Satva guna of Mana which causes physical as well as mental stress. As per modern treatment, Antidepressant drugs are generally prescribed in such stress induced disorder which has huge side-effects like insomnia or drug dependency. In Ayurveda, Aacharya Charak has explained the concept of Nitya rasayana. To control on our Indriya ie sense organs, one needs to practice Aachar rasayan in his daily routine to stop mind and senses from wandering. Hence practicing and following Aachar rasayan is a need of an hour to maintain Swasthayu.
How to cite this article:
Yashashri A Vitonde, Dr. Jayashri S Deshmukh, Shrikant G Deshmukh. Importance of Indriya in Manas Vyadhi Utpatti: A Review. Int J Herb Med 2024;12(6):08-10. DOI: