S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Analytical review of difference in physiological action of Deepan and Pachan dravya on GI tract Swati Chobhe, Shweta More and Vijaya Nyahalse Pages: 01-03 | 5059 Views 2068 Downloads | Country: India | India |
2 | Variation in the yield and chemical composition of Eucalyptus species (Nilagiri) under different agro climatic condition of India Jnanesha AC, Ashish Kumar and Vanitha TK Pages: 04-07 | 1549 Views 271 Downloads | Country: India | India |
3 | Development and evaluation of polyherbal emulgel formulation (A preventive hair care preparation) M Ravi Kumar, Mangilal Teelavath and Shiva Kumar Yellanki Pages: 08-10 | 2746 Views 1303 Downloads | Country: India | India |
4 | Ethanolic extract of Iwong (Ipomoea alba L., Convolvulaceae) attenuates Adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 adipocytes GPR Mengue N’dille, LF Biyiti, T Fromme, JL Essame Oyono and M Klingenspor Pages: 11-17 | 1876 Views 544 Downloads | Country: Germany | Germany |
5 | Supercritical fluid extraction: A new technology to herbals Vaibhav Shinde and Kakasaheb Mahadik Pages: 27-34 | 2323 Views 1020 Downloads | Country: India | India |
6 | Compositional analysis of Turmeric types cultivated in Sri Lanka and India GDMP Madhusankha, RCN Thilakarathan, T Liyanage and SB Navaratne Pages: 35-38 | 1845 Views 670 Downloads | Country: Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka |
7 | Khamira: An important dosage form of unani system of medicine Muzayyana Khan, Shariq Shamsi and Roohi Zaman Pages: 46-49 | 2108 Views 823 Downloads | Country: India | India |
8 | Natural products as veritable source of novel drugs and medicines: A review Chukwunwike Nwonu, Olapade Ilesanmi, Joseph Agbedahunsi and Patience Nwonu Pages: 50-54 | 1955 Views 734 Downloads | Country: Nigeria | Nigeria |
9 | Evaluation of protective effect of Centella asiatica leaves on pancreas function in diabetic rats Somara Sasikala and Malepati Dhananjaya Naidu Pages: 55-60 | 1572 Views 379 Downloads | Country: India | India |