S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Phytochemical antioxidant and antimicrobial study of Libyan propolis ethanolic extract Nahla Labyad, Basma Doro, Nouha S Elmarbet, Marwa M Aluonsy and Masoud Kahmasi Pages: 01-04 | 2908 Views 380 Downloads | Country: Libya | Libya |
2 | In vitro anti-inflammatory activity of flower extract of Couroupita guianensis Aubl S Sumathi and R Anuradha Pages: 05-08 | 2366 Views 324 Downloads | Country: India | India |
3 | Studies on antibacterial properties of stingless bee honey fortified with plant extracts Jiby John Mathew, Sajeshkumar NK, Ajesh C Kuriakose and Prem Jose Vazhacharickal Pages: 09-13 | 2129 Views 200 Downloads | Country: India | India |
4 | Phyto-phospholipid complex vesicles for phytoconstituents and herbal extracts: A promising drug delivery system Prachi Udapurkar, Omprakash Bhusnure, Santosh Kamble and Kailash Biyani Pages: 14-20 | 2388 Views 437 Downloads | Country: India | India |
5 | Diagnostic methods of foreign body in Sushruta Samhita: A review Rabinarayan Tripathy, Lakshmy C Senan and Balaji S Pages: 21-23 | 2276 Views 373 Downloads | Country: India | India |
6 | Wound healing and angiogenesis of silver nanoparticle from Azadirachta indica in diabetes induced mice S Bhagavathy and Sirisha Kancharla Pages: 24-29 | 2680 Views 690 Downloads | Country: India | India |
7 | Methanol extract from Psidium sartorianum (arrayán) berries induces in vitro damage on Taenia crassiceps WFU cysticerci Laura Aguilar-Vega, Sylvia Páz DÃaz Camacho, Francisco Delgado Vargas, Kaethe Willms and Rimma Zurabian Pages: 30-35 | 2545 Views 289 Downloads | Country: Mexico | Mexico |
8 | Ethnomedicinal study of some medicinal plants from Kandhamal district, Odisha Jyotirmayee Panigrahy, Suraj Kumar Behera, Venugopal A and Leelaveni A Pages: 36-40 | 2561 Views 674 Downloads | Country: India | India |
9 | Study of antimicrobial activity of Triphala and its individual components Mehul M Sheta, Kunjan M Kikani, Parth Kavathia, Jainy Thakkar and Twinkle Rangnani Pages: 41-43 | 2582 Views 422 Downloads | Country: India | India |
10 | Evaluation of antibacterial activity of silymarin against enteric bacterial pathogens Oshaghi Mojgan and Sharifi Roya Pages: 44-45 | 2418 Views 334 Downloads | Country: Iran | Iran |