S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Therapeutics, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Iklilul Malik (Astragalus hamosus Linn): A natural Unani Remedy Khan Heena Umer, Fahmeeda Zeenat, Wasim Ahmad and Abdul Vakil Khan Pages: 01-05 | 2322 Views 477 Downloads | Country: India | India |
2 | Traditional and ethnobotanical uses of Quercus leucotrichophora A. Camus (Quercus oblongata D. Don) in Kumaun and Garhwal regions of Uttarakhand, India: A review Amit Kumar Joshi and Dr. Divya Juyal Pages: 06-08 | 3201 Views 972 Downloads | Country: India | India |
3 | Indigenous uses of plants under Pinus dominated ecosystem at Pauri Garhwal, India Snobar Shafi, JP Mehta, Sharesth Kumari and Pooja Dhiman Pages: 09-15 | 2071 Views 447 Downloads | Country: India | India |
4 | Study on anti- Toxoplasma effects of Myrtus communis andArtemisia aucheri Boiss extracts Farzaneh Javadi, Abbas Azadmehr, Hassan Jahanihashemi, Mohtaram Adineh, Shaghayegh Nozari, Reza Hajiaghaee, Mojtaba Shahnazi and Mehrzad Saraei Pages: 16-19 | 2027 Views 381 Downloads | Country: Iran | Iran |
5 | A clinical study of Trivritta Leha in the management of Bahupitta Kamala with special reference to Serum Bilirubin level VD Varsha S. Khot and MD Kayachikitsa Pages: 20-21 | 1997 Views 362 Downloads | Country: India | India |
6 | Antiulcer activities of the ethanol root extract of Setaria megaphylla (Steud) T. Dur and schinz in rat John A Udobang, Augustine IL Bassey and Jude E Okokon Pages: 22-26 | 1908 Views 216 Downloads | Country: Nigeria | Nigeria |
7 | Evaluation of nephroprotective effects of Setariamega phyla (Steud) T. Durand sphinz (Poaceae) root extract on paracetamol-induced in juryin rats John A Udobang and Jude E Okokon Pages: 27-31 | 1794 Views 190 Downloads | Country: Nigeria | Nigeria |
8 | Phytochemical screening of selected medicinal plants used against diarrhea in Niger, West Africa Lawaly Maman Manzo, Idrissa Moussa and Khalid Ikhiri Pages: 32-38 | 2482 Views 737 Downloads | Country: Nigeria | Nigeria |
9 | Effects profiles of complete aqueous extract and hexane and aqueous fractions of Phalaris canariensis L. seeds on fructose-induced metabolic syndrome in rats Lorena Mendiola Almaraz, Juan Luis Escobar RamÃrez, Jacinto Santiago MejÃa and Gil Alfonso Magos Guerrero Pages: 39-46 | 2114 Views 499 Downloads | Country: Mexico | Mexico |
10 | Free-radical scavenging activity of stem and leaf of Atalantia monophylla (L.) Corr. Serr S Sujatha, T Seker and S Pavithra Pages: 47-53 | 1845 Views 339 Downloads | Country: India | India |