S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Clinical trial to assess the safety and efficacy of hair grow serum product in volunteers with hair fall and healthier hair Yogendra Singh Bhadoriya and Ashish Jain Pages: 01-06 | 1572 Views 1184 Downloads | Country: India | India |
2 | Comparative effect of an ayurvedic dentifrice and non-herbal dentifrice on salivary pH and its importance: Clinical study Jyoti Singh, Amit Sirdesai and Prasun Bandyopadhyay Pages: 07-10 | 747 Views 362 Downloads | Country: India | India |
3 | Complications of COVID-19 in garbhini [Pregnancy] W.S.R. to pre-turm labour Shraddha Dilip Kapadi, Sandhya M Yennawar and Deshmukh JS Pages: 11-14 | 665 Views 278 Downloads | Country: India | India |
4 | Formulation and development of herbal based mosquitoes repellent Dhoop by using Azadiratica indica and Vertex negundo S Selvadurai, V Swetha, S Anbazhagan and P Shanmugapandiyan Pages: 15-17 | 1693 Views 1274 Downloads | Country: India | India |
5 | Conceptual study of Asthidhatvagni by evaluating association of Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3 Deepali Amale and Supekar Suhas Pages: 18-20 | 1085 Views 760 Downloads | Country: India | India |
6 | Efficacy of Kushmanda avaleha in Karshya Rushali Bande and Lalita patole Pages: 21-22 | 953 Views 629 Downloads | Country: India | India |
7 | Formulation and evaluation of a topical gel containing Rosemary oil for the treatment of acne vulgaris Bassel Hussein, Munib A Oubari, Omar A Oubari, Rama Aziz and Muaaz Alajlani Pages: 23-30 | 1470 Views 777 Downloads | Country: Syria | Syria |
8 | Plumbago indica L.: A review of its medicinal uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology, and toxicology Ambia Khatun Pages: 31-37 | 2003 Views 1637 Downloads | Country: Bangladesh | Bangladesh |
9 | Indiginous knowledge, phytochemical analysis, antimicrobial activity and in vitro conservation of some medicinal plants of Bhimkund and its adjoining regions in Mayurbhanj district of Odisha, India Adarsha Pradhan and Ranindra Kumar Nayak Pages: 38-46 | 851 Views 531 Downloads | Country: India | India |
10 | Assessment of a topical cream containing cabbage (Brassica oleracea) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa) extracts for the treatment of acne vulgaris Jalal Fandi, Ailsi Sami Alhames, Farah Waled Hamed and Dr. Bassel Hussein Pages: 47-50 | 1334 Views 731 Downloads | Country: Syria | Syria |
11 | Antifungal property of medicinal plants: A comprehensive review Muaaz Alajlani Pages: 51-57 | 2615 Views 2126 Downloads | Country: Syria | Syria |
12 | Development and evaluation of anti-acne gel containing Luffa acutangula Seeds extract Shweta Thote, Nilakshi Dhoble and Jagdish Baheti Pages: 58-64 | 1349 Views 1020 Downloads | Country: India | India |